Monday, January 19, 2009


1. I am deathly afraid of bad storms. I was in a tornado one summer and to this day, can't stand them.
2. I used to work at Cedar Point
3. I have twin girls and had them naturally and they're 28 min. apart.
4. I don't drink coffee. Too much caffeine for me is not a good thing. Hot chocolate is enough to give me the shakes.
5. I love musicals!
6. I'm a worrier. I worry about everything and anything. It's terrible.
7. Aside from toes, I have never broken a bone
8. I don't want to get remarried...ever
9. I can remember things from when I was way too young to be able to remember things, but can't remember something I need from grocery store 30 seconds after I thought of it.
10. I'm a crier. There are days I wonder how I have any tears left in my body, but hate having anyone see me cry.
11. I collect angels and there are times that just looking at angels in a store, will bring on the water works.
12. I just started getting into professional sports this year. Never liked them before, but now, not so bad.
13. I can't stand wine or whine lol
14. I love muscle cars!
15. I hate dressing up. The second I get home from wherever I've been, the dressy stuff is off and the sweats are on.
16. I can't survive without the internet.
17. I hate snow. The only thing keeping me in this crappy climate is my family and friends.
18. I miss high school.
19. Second Hand Smoke makes me sick, seriously.
20. I believe in ghosts, angels, and all the after life & fairy tales.
21. I have no clue if my twins are identical or fraternal and hate when people assume they're fraternal.
22. I hate being alone. Sitting home with nothing to do is my least favorite thing ever.
23. I crave chocolate after every meal, even breakfast.
24. I live for days off, but could never not work.
25. I will be 30 in three months and still get accused of being 18.

Monday, January 12, 2009


So just like everyone else in this country, I am totally addicted to the Twilight series. My friends and I went to see the movie on Saturday night, and I was so disappointed. I really need to quit reading books before I see movies because they never live up to it. Don't get me wrong, it was a good movie, but no where near as good as the book. They just left so much important stuff out and changed important details. New Moon comes out in November and I can't wait. I finished New Moon yesterday and I can't wait to see what they do with it. I am reading Eclipse now, and I hope I don't hate Bella at the end of it as much as my friend does.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I guess it’s been a little while since I posted anything, huh? Got reminded of that yesterday, thanks. So things are still moving along. I love my place and everything goes with it. I’d love it even more if it were closer to my mom’s, but I still like it. I even made my first rent payment and am still alive, lol.

Not too much is going on. The holidays went well. There were a few bumps along the road, but that’s expected when it’s the first holiday after major changes. The girls got way spoiled, as usual, but they’re actually playing with just about everything they got, so that’s a welcome change. I attribute it to the lack of cable television that my apartment features. It’s nice, though. This past week we’ve been so busy, that they’ve resorted to playing in the morning, and that’s not so nice when I’m trying to hustle and get them out of the apartment as quickly as possible. It is making our time go by, though, which isn’t totally a good thing. Sunday nights are now our game nights, and it’s so fun. It’s nice to be able to do something all together without all the fighting and the drama.

Work is still the same. We had three people leave unexpectedly last week, which has made work just a bit hectic. There’s four of us now, but the one is new, and so we’re also hustling to get her trained. She seems like a quick learner, though, so that’s a welcome change, as well.
So for now, I’m just keeping on keeping on. . things could be better, but things could be worse.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Yea Sure

Did I miss something, cause I feel like I’m missing something. I went in to discuss with my bosses a problem that a co-worker brought up to me. I wasn’t real thrilled because I feel like everyone is on me about something today and my main boss made a comment. He wanted to know why so grimm and I said just one of those days, and apparently that was an invitation to them to ask what I’m doing tonight. I told them probably the same thing I did last night, and they then proceed to tell me how I need to go out and bla bla bla, meet someone new, etc. Okay, I’m sorry, but last I checked, I didn’t leave my husband to go and meet someone new. I left because I was unhappy, and last I checked I also think it’s okay for me to be a bit down right now with everything going on, especially when I know I’m going home to an empty apartment again tonight and I miss my kids. To make matters worse the cable company figured out that they never shut the cable off from the last tenant yesterday, so the empty apartment is really quiet right now. I have some movies from Netflix, but I watched two of them last night (word to the wise, don’t watch Sex And The City when you’re vulnerable, it’ll just lead to a massive use of tissues, at least it did for me).

So it’s Friday afternoon, I should be counting down the minutes until 5 p.m. and instead I’m wishing something would prolong the day or fast forward it to the point where I’m so tired I can’t keep my eyes open anymore and I can just sleep. I don’t like the nights where I don’t have my kids and have nothing to do, no where to go, and no one to come over. I love my place, don’t get me wrong, but when there’s no little runs running around, it’s a very big, quiet place, and not my favorite place to be.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I gave my kids away today until Saturday. I really hate doing that. I don’t know what to do with myself when I don’t have them. I’ll probably in bed tonight by 8:30 just like last Thursday because I don’t know what else to do. The apartment is so empty and boring without them. Tomorrow will be hard, too, because normally I go and hang with my Mom on Fridays or something, but she’s leaving to go out of town tonight, so it’s going to be a few long, boring days in my world. At least I get them back somewhat early on Saturday and we’ll have lots of fun once I get them back. They have a bowling birthday party on Saturday afternoon and then we’re going to spend the night at my grandmother’s. Sunday I’m planning on trying to make a big breakfast for my grandma and the girls, and then we’re taking the girls along with my uncle and mom out for the day. I wish the weather was going to be better for our excursion, but there’s no real control over that one.

Went out last night. I didn’t think it was going to happen because our systems went down at work at 4 p.m. and didn’t come back up until 7:15 p.m., and my sitter was stuck there trying to get obituaries done, and I thought for sure she wouldn’t be done in time for me to go. She got done at the normal time, though, and I made the trip out. It was okay. I didn’t really drink, but we still had fun. Just was hoping for more, I guess, but it may just be the funk I’m in right now.

I made the comment to my friend last night that I just couldn’t bring myself to do stuff around the apartment. I have dishes that need done, laundry that needs put away, but by the time I get the girls to bed I just want to go to bed myself. It could be my heart thing or as she put it, I’m probably just in a funk. She said even though I don’t show it openly and sit there and cry about where I’m at, it’s still affecting me. It’s a very emotional/stressful thing I’m going through right now, and even though it’s something I wanted and don’t regret, it’s still emotionally draining right now, and will be until everything is finalized, and it’s just going to take time for me to get back into my normal routine. Her saying that made me feel much better about myself, lol. Thank God for friends =)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So I’ve been having some health issues again. I was trying to ignore it thinking it was just my imagination or something and not getting overly upset. I just had tests done in September and thought everything came back normal so there was no reason to worry about it. Well finally yesterday I got sick of it and called the doctor. The nurse called me back and when I mentioned I’d just had tests done in September and she went over the results with me on the phone. Yea not quite normal. Apparently my echo showed some tricuspid regurgitation or basically leakage of blood when my heart pumps. I did some research on it and it makes sense. The symptoms are there and so I’m sure I have lots of fun stuff to come. Basically the issue itself doesn’t require treatment, but whatever is causing it does, so now it’s going to be the process of figuring out what that is. There were also abnormalities when I had my heart monitor on. I had fits of tachycardia or my heart racing and fits of bradycardia or my heart rate dropping below 50 beats per minute. So there’s definitely something wrong with my heart and now it’s the fun of finding out what and why.

Other than that not too much else is going on. I’m going out tonight for the first time in forever for my friend’s birthday, so yea, lol. Tomorrow I may be in some pain, lol.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Great Fun

Today was Trick-or-Treat day at work. For the first time in the two years that I’ve worked here, my kids weren’t part of it. I tried not to let it bother me, but by 4:40, I’d had enough. My kids loved trick-or-treating here. Hopefully next weekend they can come back for it =(

Tonight starts my time without them. I wish I had something to keep me busy, but so far I really don’t have anything going on until I pick them back up for their friend’s party on Saturday. My friend invited me to go trick-or-treating with her and her daughter tomorrow night, and I probably will, but it just sucks not being with them. I’m told it’ll get easier though.